Happy MLK day folks! How ironic that today we celebrate a civil rights freedom fighter, just days away from a very contentious inauguration; on the brink of a civil war?!? Say that 3 times fast!!!Wtf? BLM & Black Power, what's the confusion of these groups to the "Patriots?" Essentially, we get to find out in this episode what MLK Jr's fight was about & how far we've gotten in 2021. What can we do to change some legislative law's to work in favor for not just some of us, but ALL of us! Also, my thoughts toward the end of this segment hold true for the entirety of the year! So, stick around a feel the love. Send this to someone who needs a very waverly American civil rights history lesson. Because WTF, I have a dream aswell, and it doesn't look as chaotic as the start of 2021? Happy Birthday Dr. King! (In this episode: Part 1 My thoughts / Part 2 MLK ' I Have A Dream' speech 17mins). Enjoy 🎧 (Matthew 5: 11-16)[email protected]