(2 part SPECIAL) Well, there goes the ol’ saying you’re either watching a really creative film or it’s ‘PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING?’ Either way, in this case, it’s quiet entertaining to say the least. If you’re gonna watch this new Netflix film, “leave the world behind,” I suggest you grab a notebook, a pen, and take notes my friends. You see, the job of the satanists is to tell you what they’re plan, because they truly do believe in karmic retribution. I do believe if this is them telling us what they’re gonna do, 2024 boutta get EVEN WEIRDER than the train derailments seemingly predicted in other Netflix film. But, hey, have no fear there’s a way to get through this unscathed, but you have to listen to this podcast broadcast the whole way through to find out how to narrowly escape this disaster! Oh and I never do this, but, go watch LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND on Netflix Film RN! Only listen past the WTF-HALFTIME show after you’ve watched the LTWB Netflix film! Hint: the plot is giving BRICS and Jeremiah 50 IYKYK! Question: What does this film have to do with Matthew Perry’s FINAL Bat Signal?!? Netflix’s White Noise was to TRAIN DERAILMENTS as Leave the World Behind is to the coming rolling communications blackouts, power outages & WWIII!? Mercia WAKE-UP! Find out at the END!!! Now, it is time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. (Philippians 2:3-11)