With so much disaster happening in the waterways of the Ohio river, contaminations by toxic waste spills, train derailments with hazardous materials, you have to ask yourself, who and what's behind it all? Is it just a Quinky Dink? There is alot of disaster happening. It's like a lot of us are looking up at the balloons instead of looking down for the bread crumbs. I just read that Billiam Gatez became one of Ecolab's largest shareholders but what does that have to do with the toxic waste spills in the Ohio river? Anything? Or nothing at all? I thought to consider if I were a villain and I owned the largest shareholding of WHO and Ecolab what might I cook up if I were highly interested in population control? What would you do of you had a vested interest in health and population control? Trust me, if you haven't listened to any WTF-Landia Radio Podcast, this is the one!!! Sit back, relax, and prepare for perhaps the biggest unbeknownst viral vaccination events of any of our lifetimes? That's of course if you're the villain that lives inside my head or perhaps the largest shareholders of global health? Not to be misconstrued with Bill Gates, he just wants to….the world?! Final thought is Bill Gates 666 spoken about in the Bible? -William Henry Gates 3=18 Revelation 13:18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666! Enjoy the show! (Disclaimer Photo Art- Google search All topics spoken about are ALLEDGEDLY)