Joey B is suggesting that we get in those American schools and teach "Critical Race Theory." But what is it and why is it so important? Are we responsible for the sins of our forefathers? Why can't we let bygones be bygones and just get on with our lives and forgets slaves and segregation was ever a thing in the US? Can we forget that our jails are topped up with black and brown folks at a disproportionate rate? What does the suburbs look like vs. the inner cities? Let's take a drive from the north/west to the south/east of almost every major city in America and find out why they are set up so differently and how that can affect the day to day life of marginalized groups vs. suburbia. Scrub your brains of everything you ever knew, it's time to unlearn and get proactive. We are talking CRT. 🎧 Let's take a drive! (2 Peter 2:18-19)