I think we have turned a corner y'all. Joey B is looking to be our 46th Prez, I already feel the racial tensions subsiding and 2021 should be a year of collective collaborating. We have beat each other up enough in 2021 it's time for a Universal hug. Also...How's about that Double hand job dance DJT'S been jigging? Feels like It's a real private dance that we all seem to be watching. The meme's are going wild! & Y'all know I love a good meme. I have NEVER believed in humanity more than I do now. We got this as a collective. Let's COLLAB! Dive right in, this one is FUN!...👂🏽Then Elisha prayed and said, “Lord, I ask you, open my servant’s eyes so that he can see.”( The Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and the servant saw the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire. They were all around Elisha.
2 Kings 6:17 ERV