The Barclay's Arena almost looked like a baby Jan 6th 2020 Capitol Hill "gathering" for a couple minutes when the "Let Kyrie play" protest got underway! Folks were out their in droves to support Kyrie Irving's right to play ball and not be "forced" to take the Vaxaroni! It got me thinking, what is it about this Vaxaroni that it needs to be mandatory? In history is this the only time we can actually get the global Gov'ts to agree on one thing and that's getting their countrymen Waxxed and Vaxxed? Also, how come nobody's asking eachother if they got that HPV shot? Asking for all the folks that keep saying the Vaxaroni is just like wearing a seat belt, but in your blood stream. Bwahahahahahahah. Life is getting weird y'all. Grab a warm and cozy beverage and join the fun.🍷🎧