The MAGA's have stormed the castle like some redneck spidermen! Oh dear my suspicions have turned true and we are in the middle of a civil war in MAGA hats y'all!!! DJT done incited a riot and then told them "wonderful people" that he loves them and they should go home and be peaceful. Now if that ain't some gaslighting nonsense then I don't know what! Find out in this episode who we think will win the war or of it drags on into the year. If you are a Trump supporter and you call yourself a devout Christian, then don't you agree that it's time to accept the loss and go home and pray for Joey B and Kamala? Whether you like it or not, they are your new leaders. Anywho, go home folks and settle down or there will be Law & Order Joey B style! Also, we are still in a Pandemic for goodness sake! Just...👂🏼(1 Kings 16:20-22)[email protected]