Nobody is feeling comfy about the idea of a possible civil war and I'm not either , but I'm just saying; it would be interesting to fight a war with today's fashion. Skinny jeans and cell phones and trying to hold a gun at the same time? However, I have a BRILLIANT idea for any tech's nerds, NDA not required and you MUST hear it! In other news... what kind of disservice would we be doing to our service wo/men and folks if we start a war on our own soil after all the foriegn fights won for our freedoms? Come on, we can do way better than this, America! If we are going to go to war, can we have atleast 5 years to prepare and make some made in America skinny jeaned armor? See how silly it all sounds? Dive all the way in to this Veteran's day SPECIAL. Vets...Thank you so MUCH for your service, we will and MUST do better for you. We got this America!...🏅 Just...👂🏽
(2 Kings 6:11 ERV)