Is Love at the root word of rEVOLution?Yes, in my opinion it is. In fact right now in Canada we are witnessing or about to witness quiet possibly one of the biggest Revolutionary movements in the country's history and it's all regarding this Vax mandate! So the question is are freedoms still free? Truckers have been mandated to Vax up and they said no thank you and now they are taking a pilgrimage to the Canadian motherland of Ottawa. Personally, I'm calling for the people to collaborate efforts with those folks we put in office and most certainly to keep it peaceful ✌🏾. You DO NOT want to miss this good ole blue jeans head to toe Episode. It might make you wanna jug a jar of maple syrup, that is if you can find any on the shelves. Drink Up my friends and dive right in 🎧! (1 Timothy 6:12)