Bush, Clinton & Obama have come together in an awkward United front to show us this COVID-19 vaccine is safe!? Monoliths, yep alien structures are popping up around the world. People are going to check them out, but are littering so much on the site that some hippy hikers are stealing these alien structures to save the earth? Yes, that felt just as weird to type as it is to read. Smh... DJT is still trying to find those votes that were tossed in the make believe garbabge bins & I'm just done with DJT'S insinuating debacle! 2021 you gotta be better. Maybe "behold a pale horse" has all the answers? In other news... Wtf-Landia has NEVER been more ready for a show tour, so bring on the post quarantine global promoters. Enjoy this kerfuddled filled episode of Wtf-Landia, it's good to be back...👂🏽