DJT's phone is basically a brick as he had been kicked off of almost all of his preferred platforms and find out more about why he can essentially only use his phone to send selfies to Melania. Congress and House dems have finally introduced articles of impeachment on Jan 11, 2021. This 2nd impeachment if passed successfully would ensure that DJT never holds office in the USA ever again. Remember he promised his base to run again in 2024? Well, he never even paid taxes for the US, so I have questions as to who is fit to hold office anyways!?! That "Patriotic" field trip from Eminem's neighborhood from 8 mile to the Capitol is very confusing and find out why I feel the FBI is gonna have a hard time putting together their "no fly list!" It's just all so confusing. How can you personally change the laws and legislations in you county and country. I have a Hack inside that will blow your mind so listen closely.This is a hot topic episode that you DO NOT want to miss and feel free to share with you friends. Just...πŸ‘‚πŸΌSide bar Jan 11/2021 is a great day to pray and manifest you super portal powers. Inside is a prayer from Maria Shriver) Psalms 102: 13-22 [email protected]