Guest: Marco Castillo, Executive Director of Global Exchange and coordinator for Nuestra Red


On July 12 when Mexican president Lopez Obrador traveled to Washington DC his most exciting encounter for Mexicans (both in the U.S. and in Mexico) was not his meeting with President Biden, but his impromptu encounter with well wishers outside his hotel room at The Lombardy. A video of the encounter went viral. It showed the president (known by his initials AMLO) sticking his head out the window, blowing kisses, catching a bouquet of flowers thrown to him, and being serenaded by mariachis singing “Amigo” (You are my soul brother, a friend that in every way and day is always with me).

AMLO’s meeting with Biden included such agenda items as: prioritizing Mexico’s sovereignty, curbing migration by offering more visa options, and inflation.

López Obrador, who spoke for over 30 minutes in the Oval Office, reminded Biden of former President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Good Neighbor” policy, which avoided interference in domestic affairs in Latin America, while also engaging in reciprocal exchanges with that region, such as trade.

On Monday, the Mexican President revealed that during his DC visit he gave a letter to President Biden in which he defended Julian Assange's innocence and renewed a previous offer of asylum to the WikiLeaks founder.

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Additional Links:

AMLO Is Trying to Free Mexico and Latin America From the US’s Imperial Grip:

Global Exchange:


WTF is Going on in Latin America & the Caribbean: VP Harris Tells Guatemalans "Do Not Come":

In partnership with Common FrontiersCouncil on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), Friends of Latin AmericaMassachusetts Peace Action and Task Force on the Americas, original broadcasts of WTF is Going on in Latin America & the Caribbean can be viewed every Wednesday at 4:30pm PT/7:30pm ET on CODEPINK YouTube Live

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