Previous Episode: WRYAT S6E2 - It Gets Better
Next Episode: WRYAT S6E4 - Arbor Day

Ah, the spring is here. For 27 whole minutes, you can walk outside in your slick black jeans, wear a light top and feel the brisk air on your toes before the sun god Ra and that dumpster behind the burger place's bastard demi-god child rears their sweaty, muggy self and issues forth the reckoning of summer like no mortal should have to witness. Anywho, it's Easter or whatnot, and that means it's cool to eat whole eggs on the bus, it's the first and only time you probably will go to Mass, and it's time for us remember that we have Friday off. Wait, we do? Well thanks, Janet, for telling me now. Go listen to the podcast, I have to make some plans.