WRSP presents the 36th weekly episode of Weekend Sports Huddle with co-hosts Tom Pollin and Dave Holcomb.

We are offically in what our hosts would refer to as the "dead period" in the sports calendar, but there's still plenty to talk about in regards to Pittsburgh and Chicago sports. First, the Penguins seem to be suffering a new injury every night. Two defensemen went down in their overtime victory against the Winnipeg Jets on Thursday. Both hits were deemed legal by the NHL, but Pittsburgh didn't feel the same way. Our hosts will review the hits debate whether they were clean and determine how the Penguins will survive their latest slew of injuries.

Next, Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder Andrew McCutchen finally broke his silence and opened up his feelings about the toughest year of his professional baseball career. In a letter on The Players Tribune, McCutchen shared how difficult it was to hear he was going to move to right field before 2017 but also the love and admiration he has for the city of Pittsburgh. Holcomb & Pollin will share how they believe this letter will effect McCutchen and the Pirates organization moving forward.

And finally, the NFL Hall of Fame vote took place two weeks ago, but there's still been a lot of chatter about wide receiver Terrell Owens not making the final cut. Our hosts will return to their Hall of Fame discussion from a view weeks ago and discuss whether the voters made the right decision to leave TO out once again.

We want to hear from you, call into the show at 516-387-1417 or tweet @wkdsportshuddle.