WRSP presents the 33rd weekly episode of Weekend Sports Huddle with co-hosts Tom Pollin and Dave Holcomb.

Championship Sunday was a letdown, but Pollin & Holcomb will fulfill their hype and deliever another interesting and informative live sports show this Saturday. This week, our hosts recap the seasons of the Chicago Bears and the Pittsburgh Steelers while also taking a look at what makes a successful franchise successful in the modern sports.

There are plenty of explains of great franchises in the Steel and Windy City. Unfortunately, there are also examples of unsuccessful sports teams in those cities, in particular the Chicago Bulls after what veteran Dwyane Wade said this week.

Our hosts will also take a look at the Pro Bowl and NHL All-Star Games. One seems to be on solid footing after a strong performance last season, and the other appears to have run its course.

If there's time, Pollin and Holcomb will also return to discussing the voting process for the baseball Hall of Fame.

We want to hear from you, call into the show at 516-387-1417 or tweet @wkdsportshuddle.