WRSP Radio presents the 45th weekly episode of Weekend Sports Huddle with co-hosts Tom Pollin and Dave Holcomb.

Shocking news strikes major league baseball with the suspension of Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder Starling Marte this week. The MLB has banned him for 80 games and the 2017 playoffs due to testing positive to PEDs. Our hosts discuss the fallout for Marte, the Pirates and baseball after this terrible news.

Nearly as shocking was the Chicago Blackhawks playoff series with the Nashville Predators. Chicago, the favorite to win the Stanley Cup, fell to its division rivalry in a sweep. Does this mean the Blackhawks dynasty is over? Pollin & Holcomb will react.

In the Eastern Conference, the Pittsburgh Penguins are sitting pretty as the only team that has advanced in the East. But they didn't do it without controversy. Our hosts will take a look back at Game 5 of their first round series and discuss the turning point. 

Nobody in Chicago believed the Bulls would last longer than the Blackhawks in the postseason, but it's happened, and the Bulls have a 2-1 lead in their series. But can they still get past the Boston Celtics without guard Rajon Rondo, who is out for the series with a fractured thumb.

And finally, the NFL Draft is coming up this Thursday. Pollin & Holcomb will briefly debate who should go No. 1, where the quarterbacks will land and what positions the Bears & Steelers will be targetting.

We want to hear your opinions! call into the show at 516-387-1417 or tweet @wkdsportshuddle.