Just Saying! - Talking Love Inspiration in Film - the Past and Present

Everyone has their own definition of love: how it is supposed to make you feel, how to recognize it when it happens, how losing it changes who you are and how you look at the next person to come along. This episode explores my personal favorites of those movies - love in all its forms, and the latest renditions that have helped to add to that formula. From the classics that I can watch over and over again to the new adaptations from some of my favorite cast and producers, these films will give you that warm, fuzzy feeling in the blood chamber that is the heart (if you get that reference, then you are an awesome person. If not, go watch Coneheads right now...yes, right now.) Love is unconventional and crazy but that is what we dig about it. We all remember our favorite moments in film about love, and I encourage you to check out the ones in mine. These films show just how true being in love is and nothing is better or crazier than that.