Katie Rife (News Editor for The A.V. Club) and Mike Vanderbilt (Assistant Editor at Daily Grindhouse) join us to discuss the upcoming series of Midnight Movies at Chicago's Music Box Theatre including 'Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter' (1970), 'Wild Beasts' (1984) and the nearly impossible to see cult classic 'The Astrologer' (1975) starring Craig Denney.

Tickets for 'Wild Beasts' (1984) on 1/26 & 1/27: https://www.musicboxtheatre.com/films/wild-beasts

Tickets for 'The Astrologer' (1975) on 2/2 & 2/3: https://www.musicboxtheatre.com/films/the-astrologer

Tickets for 'Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter' (1970) on 2/9 & 2/10: https://www.musicboxtheatre.com/films/stray-cat-rock-sex-hunter

Follow Katie Rife on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FutureSchlock

Follow Mike Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeVanderbilt

Follow James Hancock on Twitter: https://twitter.com/colebrax

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