This episode is the first in a two-part series. In this episode we’ll listen to Dr. Shipka’s talk given during the RSA special event entitled, “On Place, Perspective, Process, Position and Possession: Forging Connections Between the Hobby and the Scholarly.” In it Dr. Shipka talks about how she takes this internal motivation she has to explore the past through what a lot of people call “junk” and find ways to contribute to really intelligent discussions about writing and about people.

See more of Dr. Shipka's work at her website

In part two, which will come out shortly, Dr. Shipka and I visited a local swap meet and we will get got to hear about how she see’s that whole world. So stayed tuned for more.

As for now, kick back and enjoy this talk given on March 31. Again, special thanks to RSA, to the ASU Department of English, and for ASU’s Graduate and Professional Student Association for funding this event.