Let’s go Into the Spider-Verse! Chris and Mackenzie reassemble the Spider-Panel and bring Adam Caudill and Megan Patrick back to discuss Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. What makes this Spider-Man movie different from all other Spider-Man movies? How did this film celebrate what came before, but still push the boundaries?

Previously on Writers Get Animated

Along Came a Spider-Man https://buff.ly/2F5Iwyz


‘If It’s Not Broke, Break It’: Sony Imageworks’ Renegade Approach To ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ https://buff.ly/2Ccj1cX
Interview: 'Into the Spider-Verse' Producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller Talk Spider-Man, Stan Lee and Reinventing the Comic Book Movie https://buff.ly/2F6vHnl