Many questions about the terror attacks remain unanswered for the families of the 9/11 victims. They remain unanswered for many other Americans, as well. We talk with Ray McGinnis about his book, UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored

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This is a special edition of Writer’s Voice produced on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Many questions about the terror attacks remain unanswered for the families of the 9/11 victims. They remain unanswered for many other Americans, as well.

We talk with Ray McGinnis about his book, UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored

Why did WTC Building 7 collapse some eight hours after the North and South Towers, despite being a block and a half away and untouched by either of the planes that took the Towers down?

Why did NORAD, charged with keeping America’s skies safe from attack, fail to bring even one of the hijacked planes down — an unprecedented failure for an agency that incessantly practiced just such maneuvers?

Why did the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund specify that the victims’ relatives would lose their benefits if they tried to sue any of the alleged Saudi funders of terrorism related to the attacks? That was just one of the ways that the focus was taken off the Saudi attackers and misplaced onto Saddam Hussein, who had nothing to do with the attacks.

All these questions and many more are explored in Ray McGinnis’ book, ‘UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored.

It’s a detailed account of the FSC, the Family Steering Committee for the Independent 9/11 Commission: the stories of the families, why they created the Commission, what they wanted to know, and how they were stonewalled and stymied in their efforts to get an accounting of the truth.

Kristen Breitweiser, one of the FSC members said “We are going to get to the bottom of this and we are going to make sure someone is held responsible so that nobody else ever had to walk in our shoes.”

Ray McGinnis’ book is a sober, even-handed, meticulous exploration of the questions still outstanding after 20 years.

The post Ray McGinnis UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored appeared first on Writer's Voice.