Earth Week Special: Eliot Peper on his cli-fi novel, Veil & Paul Greenberg on The Climate Diet.

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We talk with Eliot Peper about his cli-fi novel, Veil. It’s about what happens when a tech CEO decides to geo-engineer the climate—in secret.

Then, we catch up with author Paul Greenberg about The Climate Diet: 50 Simple Ways to Trim Your Carbon Footprint. It’s just out for Earth Day.

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Eliot Peper

A few years ago, climate fiction, or cli-fi, was a sparsely-populated genre. But the growing angst about the climate climate crisis is finding expression in a plethora of new novels.

One of the finest is Veil by Eliot Peper. It tackles the conundrum we face because of our failure to tackle climate change on time and to scale: should we geo-engineer the climate to slow the crisis, despite unknown risks? And if so, who should decide?

This forms the core of Peper’s novel Veil. In the novel, Peper gives voice to all sides of the question. Should one tech CEO acting alone be allowed to cool the planet? What if his actions cause millions to starve because the monsoon rains fail, possibly as a result? Should the big global powers — many of which got us into the problem in the first place — make the decision? Or should those small, poor countries, like Fiji and other island states be the deciders?

All these questions are explored withIn a plot that unfolds like a spellbinding thriller. Kim Stanley Robinson said of Veil, “This is the best kind of science fiction.”

In addition to Veil, Eliot Peper is the author of several other novels, including Borderless, Bandwidth, Cumulus, and the Uncommon Series. He is the co-creator of the award-winning True Blue website and the game, Machine Learning President.

Read an excerpt from Veil

Paul Greenberg

Americans need to go on a diet. Not a diet to slim their waistlines—although plenty of us need to do that, too—but a Climate Diet, one that trims CO2 emissions from the atmosphere and gets our companies and governments to do the same.

It’s all laid out in 50 diet rules in Paul Greenberg’s new book, The Climate Diet.

Greenberg is an award-winning food and environmental writer, author of such books as Four Fish and The Omega Principle.

Read the NYT Op-Ed by Paul Greenberg and Carl Safina

Next week on Writer’s Voice

We talk with bestselling novelist Lisa Scottline about her first historical novel Eternal. And Julia Fine tells us about The Upstairs House, a genre-bending novel about new motherhood. Don’t miss it!



The post Eliot Peper, VEIL & Paul Greenberg, THE CLIMATE DIET appeared first on Writer's Voice.

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