Podcaster, publisher, author Zibby Owens drops by Friday Morning Coffee to chat with Daniel Ford about "Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books," her imprint Zibby Books, and her memoir Bookends: A Memoir Of Love, Loss, And Literature.

Caitlin Malcuit also discusses Owens' Medium post "An Insider’s Guide to Publishing" and the backstory of Hana Lee's "publishing calculator."  

To learn more about Zibby Owens, visit her official website, like her Facebook page, and follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Also subscribe to "Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books," check out the current and upcoming titles from Zibby Books, and visit her bookstore

Writer's Bone is proudly sponsored by Libro.fm, Film Freaks Forever!, As Told To: The Ghostwriting Podcast, and A Mighty Blaze podcast.

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