Every writer wants to get their books into libraries to reach the widest audience possible and Janine Kimberley is with us today to advise us on how to give it our best shot. Libraries are where readers go to discover a new author or borrow anything and everything of an author they already love – libraries are fantastic supporters of writers. If you’re interested in connecting with your readers through meet-ups, author talks or merely having your book/s on display at your local library then Janine will tell you how to go about it. But most importantly in this crazy, overly-busy world, libraries are places readers to go to browse and ponder the world of books and reading. An ideal place, really, for a writer to hang out. Through their networks librarians stay abreast of the ever-changing opportunities to bring together writers and their readers. Janine is off to the Australian Readers Convention in February to stay abreast of what readers are looking for when they go to the library. Information, as they say, is king. And with so many books out there it great to have friends out their recommending our books and influencing our readers. Thanks, Janine.





Don’t forget to visit Jennifer Gale at Fit’n Fifty Plus if you’re interested in making 2017 your year of living healthily. You can visit her here (http://fitnfiftyplus.com.au/) and don’t forget to say I sent you.

Every writer wants to get their books into libraries to reach the widest audience possible and Janine Kimberley is with us today to advise us on how to give it our best shot. Libraries are where readers go to discover a new author or borrow anything and everything of an author they already love – libraries are fantastic supporters of writers. If you’re interested in connecting with your readers through meet-ups, author talks or merely having your book/s on display at your local library then Janine will tell you how to go about it. But most importantly in this crazy, overly-busy world, libraries are places readers to go to browse and ponder the world of books and reading. An ideal place, really, for a writer to hang out. Through their networks librarians stay abreast of the ever-changing opportunities to bring together writers and their readers. Janine is off to the Australian Readers Convention in February to stay abreast of what readers are looking for when they go to the library. Information, as they say, is king. And with so many books out there it great to have friends out their recommending our books and influencing our readers. Thanks, Janine.




Don’t forget to visit Jennifer Gale at Fit’n Fifty Plus if you’re interested in making 2017 your year of living healthily. You can visit her here and don’t forget to say I sent you.