Note: Due to technical difficulties, there may be moments of awkwardness in this interview. Apologies!

(November 12, 2020) Writer Mother Monster: Interviews with Authoresses is an interview series devoted to dismantling the myth of having it all and offering writer-moms solidarity, support, and advice. Hosted by Lara Ehrlich, author of Animal Wife (Red Hen Press, 2020).

Tzynya Pinchback writes poetry shaped like prose and essays that would rather be poems. She’s the author of How to Make Pink Confetti (Dancing Girl Press 2012) and her work appears in American Poetry Journal, Mom Egg Review, WOMR’s Poets Corner, and others. Tzynya is a finalist for 2020 Poet Laureate of Plymouth, Massachusetts, and mother to a 23-year-old daughter. She describes writer-motherhood in 3 words as: PRIMAL. THEATER. SANCTUARY.

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