A mother; A cancer survivor; A pediatrician; A high performance Coach and a fierce advocate for wellness for the medical community: Dr. Erin Hurley is this and so much more. 

I think you will enjoy my conversation with her about her cancer journey and what made her pivot to be doing what she is doing today. 

Learn more about this Transformational Doc at www.happyhealthyhealer.com 

Hey, do you love incorporating wisdom as how to live your life from a place of acceptance and self compassion?

Then, you want to join me, Ami and Gen for a 4 day magical retreat in Oahu, Honolulu. 

This October, for the third time, we are gathering to eat well, practice yoga, dive into breath work as well as connect with like minded women physicians to deepen our gratitude and celebrate who we are. 

Don't miss this intimate gathering. 

To learn more or simply to sign up go to www.drfaryal.com/retreat2024