This week, we’re talking about something that can be a touchy subject around certain circles on the internet. No, not Twilight fanfiction. Our topic today is book piracy. And libraries. […]

This week, we’re talking about something that can be a touchy subject around certain circles on the internet. No, not Twilight fanfiction.

Our topic today is book piracy. And libraries. And we’re unpacking some of the ways that some piracy hurts all authors. If you’re here, you probably already agree that book piracy isn’t ideal. Maybe you’re not sure why. Or you’re sort of sure.

If so, this episode is definitely for you.

Maybe you’re the kind of author or agent or editor who already knows everything we’re about to say. Listen in anyway, and maybe hit us up on Twitter or through our email if you’ve got something to add to the conversation.

And if you’re the type of person who’s already getting a little mad that we’re talking about this…

Well, this episode is also for you. Or maybe not.

Can’t blame us for trying.

Show Notes:

How libraries get their digital collections:
Susan Dennard’s website:
Stephen King’s website:

Twitter Mentions