Interviewing the lovely Patricia Bradley was an exercise in paradoxes. Hearing this sweet Christian woman pronounce in her soft, Southern drawl, "Oh, I love to talk about murder. It's just fun" was just the beginning of my mind bending to look at things differently. :-D But I should have expected nothing less after I read the tagline for her website: Where love and faith cross paths...with murder.
Patricia writes romantic suspense and says that murdering your characters is a great way to kill off your anxieties. (I think I'm going to try that! :-D ) What follows is a fun conversation about how she writes - an encouraging look at writing for pantsers!
My biggest takeaway was when I realized that Patricia writes the scenes with the murderer or psychopath's point of view without knowing who the bad guy is - so it's just "he or she" - and later she'll have an ah-ha moment about who that person is in her story. I can't wait to try this!
Patricia has a lot of great stuff on her blog, and she also suggests several other blogs/websites including:
Suspense Sisters: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fsuspensesisters.blogspot.com%2F2018%2F06%2Fhot-new-inspirational-suspense-and.html&redir_token=KbqFf8Ju75bIHYKsRs5mkGtiEy18MTU3Nzg3MDQxMkAxNTc3Nzg0MDEy&v=xlWSibqiZ04&event=video_description (https://suspensesisters.blogspot.com/...)
Learn How to Write a Novel: 
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Flearnhowtowriteanovel.com%2Fblog%2F2018%2F06%2F05%2Fgetting-into-your-characters-headwhen-the-character-is-a-psychopath%2F&redir_token=KbqFf8Ju75bIHYKsRs5mkGtiEy18MTU3Nzg3MDQxMkAxNTc3Nzg0MDEy&v=xlWSibqiZ04&event=video_description (http://learnhowtowriteanovel.com/blog...)
Writers Police Academy: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.writerspoliceacademy.com%2F&redir_token=KbqFf8Ju75bIHYKsRs5mkGtiEy18MTU3Nzg3MDQxMkAxNTc3Nzg0MDEy&v=xlWSibqiZ04&event=video_description (http://www.writerspoliceacademy.com/)
Alicia Rasley's site: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aliciarasley.com&redir_token=KbqFf8Ju75bIHYKsRs5mkGtiEy18MTU3Nzg3MDQxMkAxNTc3Nzg0MDEy&v=xlWSibqiZ04&event=video_description (http://www.aliciarasley.com)
Harlequin Heartwarming blog: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fheartwarmingauthors.blogspot.com%2F&redir_token=KbqFf8Ju75bIHYKsRs5mkGtiEy18MTU3Nzg3MDQxMkAxNTc3Nzg0MDEy&v=xlWSibqiZ04&event=video_description (http://heartwarmingauthors.blogspot.com/)
The Crime Scene Writer Yahoo Group: 
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgroups.yahoo.com%2Fneo%2Fgroups%2Fcrimescenewriter%2Finfo&redir_token=KbqFf8Ju75bIHYKsRs5mkGtiEy18MTU3Nzg3MDQxMkAxNTc3Nzg0MDEy&v=xlWSibqiZ04&event=video_description (https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/c...)
She also loves to use James Scott Bell's book, Super Structure, as she writes.
You can follow Patricia Bradley on Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter and on her blog: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fptbradley.com%2Fblog&redir_token=KbqFf8Ju75bIHYKsRs5mkGtiEy18MTU3Nzg3MDQxMkAxNTc3Nzg0MDEy&v=xlWSibqiZ04&event=video_description (https://ptbradley.com/blog)


Interviewing the lovely Patricia Bradley was an exercise in paradoxes. Hearing this sweet Christian woman pronounce in her soft, Southern drawl, "Oh, I love to talk about murder. It's just fun" was just the beginning of my mind bending to look at things differently. :-D But I should have expected nothing less after I read the tagline for her website: Where love and faith cross paths...with murder.

Patricia writes romantic suspense and says that murdering your characters is a great way to kill off your anxieties. (I think I'm going to try that! :-D ) What follows is a fun conversation about how she writes - an encouraging look at writing for pantsers!

My biggest takeaway was when I realized that Patricia writes the scenes with the murderer or psychopath's point of view without knowing who the bad guy is - so it's just "he or she" - and later she'll have an ah-ha moment about who that person is in her story. I can't wait to try this!

Patricia has a lot of great stuff on her blog, and she also suggests several other blogs/websites including:

Suspense Sisters: https://suspensesisters.blogspot.com/...

Learn How to Write a Novel: 


Writers Police Academy: http://www.writerspoliceacademy.com/

Alicia Rasley's site: http://www.aliciarasley.com

Harlequin Heartwarming blog: http://heartwarmingauthors.blogspot.com/

The Crime Scene Writer Yahoo Group: 


She also loves to use James Scott Bell's book, Super Structure, as she writes.

You can follow Patricia Bradley on Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter and on her blog: https://ptbradley.com/blog