Previous Episode: 05/20/2021 PM Newscast
Next Episode: 05/24/2021 PM Newscast

WRFI Community Radio News 05/21/2021 

On this week's episode, we bring you another installment of the Which Way Forward series. This episode is a reflection of a student activist, and professor on the last year of Black Lives Matters protests.

Then, a speech from the recent 2021 Izzy Awards for Independent Media. Ithaca College’s Park School for Independent Media honored Liliana Segura for her reporting on the executions carried out by the Trump administration in 2020, during the twilight of his presidency and the height of the pandemic.

After that we, take a look at Trap Door, a walking play presented by the Cherry Arts. Participants will wear headphones, immersing themselves in an audio experience recontextualizing the space around them. Trap Door will take you on a journey into Ithaca's black history.