#RingRust with my musicular #RoyalRumble & #VengeanceDay natterings... then I marvel @ where I've seen deceased WWE Hall of Famers sandwiched between a huge puppet & a Bear In a Big Blue House... & I wish a Happy Birthday to the woman who married Josh Mathews, in this week's #3WayDanceOff! #TagMeIn 
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I'd like to hear from you! Please drop me a line @ [email protected] {Subject Line: Ring Rust} & let me know what you like {or dislike} about my show! I'm always on the lookout for constructive criticism {if you want playlists again, start giving me feedback, people!} 
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Check out my #Unboxing videos, all that snazzy anti-social media & support all my shows http://markjabroni.mysite.com/
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RECORDED LIVE @ CHMR-FM Studios in Sunny St. John's NL! Learn more @ https://www.chmr.ca/

If you want to contribute to Betty Cisneros' Stage 4 Cancer treatment, please donate @ https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-betty-battle-her-cancer-away

0:04:33 Pay-Per-Review: WWE's Royal Rumble 1
0:07:10 Musicular Interlude 1
0:15:43 Pay-Per-Review: WWE's Royal Rumble 2
0:16:45 Musicular Interlude 2
0:24:10 Pay-Per-Review: WWE's Royal Rumble 3
0:25:01 Musicular Interlude 3
0:33:16 Pay-Per-Review: WWE's Royal Rumble 4
0:36:49 Musicular Interlude 4
0:47:39 Pre-Per-View: NXT's Vengeance Day 1
0:49:17 Musicular Interlude 5
0:56:55 Assuming the Intermissionary Position
1:01:15 This Week's Macho Fact
1:09:07 Pre-Per-View: NXT's Vengeance Day 2
1:11:21 Musicular Interlude 6
1:21:10 Pre-Per-View: NXT's Vengeance Day 3
1:23:16 Musicular Interlude 7
1:34:03 This Week's 3-Way Dance-Off: Happy Birthday, Beautiful Person!
1:44:54 Battle Royale With Cheese: Did Everybody Know That Slammy Singing Fella Ran a Wrestling Company!?
1:46:26 Musicular Interlude 8
1:54:11 Battle Royale With Cheese: Disciplinarily Commited
1:56:10 Musicular Interlude 9