#RingRust Week 2 of #RingRustTop50YearEndCountdown now available for your musicular enjoyment! #YuleLoveIt #FnWrestling #OpenTheForbiddenDoor #AEWonTV #ImpactOnAXStv #MLWfusion #NWApowerRr #AEWonTSN #ImpactOnGameTV #NWAUSA #WatchROH #ImWithAEW #TripsOPOLIS #Heath4Impact #TagMeIn #PodGenie #Podernfamily
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I'd like to hear from you! Please drop me a line @ [email protected] {Subject Line: Ring Rust} & let me know what you like {or dislike} about my show! I'm always on the lookout for constructive criticism {if you want playlists again, start giving me feedback, people!} 
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Check out my #Unboxing videos, all that snazzy anti-social media & support all my shows http://markjabroni.mysite.com/
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RECORDED LIVE @ CHMR-FM Studios in Sunny St. John's NL! Learn more @ https://www.chmr.ca/

If you want to contribute to Betty Cisneros' Stage 4 Cancer treatment, please donate @ https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-betty-battle-her-cancer-away