- Gucci Mane's kitty

- secret word Stitches

- blue beacons and leaning on windows

- the crowd at Payback

- teenage girls invade WWE

- merch stands

- Bob Backlund can still go

- CM Punk or worthless tag match?

- Russev and the Russian Federation

- Bluetista

- The King of Swing... wasn't

- Shield loses Seth but gains a Show

- Mish snaps on those people that believed the turn was a good thing.

- Jesus Cena again

- Taker "not feeling it"

- having a kid at 40

- Knockouts having kiddy's

- blood in wrestling

- WWE University

- Dixie Carter makes a big announcement

- TNA's Monday failure

- D Bry isn't rehabing well


- calls questions etc.

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