Welcome back to WPAN: The Interviews! Before he was Dominik Dijakovic in WWE NXT, he was Donovan Dijak in the independent and in Ring Of Honor. Take a listen to this classic conversation from before his WWE signing! PLUS, will there be a WPAN reunion on a DIFFERENT podcast?

FROM 2016: Pro wrestler "The Kingpin" Brian Milonas and referee Mike Crockett are talking shop with Donovan Dijak from Ring Of Honor Wrestling! Hear about his training with Brian Fury, having his first match in a WWE - yes, WWE - ring, his thoughts on the ever-changing indy landscape, how he got to ROH, his run so far in Beyond Wrestling, the biggest match of his career coming up in Lowell, MA on September 30th and more!

For more on the Wrestling Podcast About Nothing, visit our website, TheWPAN.com.

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