Ring Of Honor Wrestling's "The Brawler" Brian Milonas doesn't show up anymore, so it's referee Mike Crockett and Brian Fury (@xbrianxfuryx) being joined by our oldest pal, one of the hosts of the podcast "Truth, Justice & The New England Pro Wrestling Way" (@prowrestlingway) Matt "Tarzan Taylor" Spectro! It's been over a year since we've reviewed a pay-per-view with Tarzan, and with the King Of The Ring being revived in 2019, we figure why not take a peek back at one of the most reviled KOTR shows from 1995! We get more Savio Vega then anybody could ever handle, a heaping helping of Hendrix, just enough Mr. Backlund, Mabel as a luchador, a vomiting King Lawler and a main event that makes us want to puke!

Also this week, this Promo About Nothing eats your ass, Brian & Matt's poor mid-90s fashion choices, and will Milonas EVER be back?

Promo About Nothing: https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/azwx5f/after_pastamania_hulk_hogan_was_interested_in/

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