Pro wrestler "The Kingpin" Brian Milonas and referee Mike Crockett did a podcast last year spotlighting one of New England pro wrestling's founding fathers, "The Boston Bad Boy" Tony Rumble. This week, we're doing it again, paying our respects to one of the area's most influential men, Steve Bradley! Helping us do so are two of the guys who knew him best - "Firebrand" Brian Fury and "The Golden Greek" Alex Arion. We talk about Steve's pre-teen wrestling promotion, his early days working New England indies, catching the eye of Jim Cornette, his entire WWF/WWE developmental run - from the Funkin Dojo to Memphis to Puerto Rico to HWA and OVW - and his release. Tons of stories, including Steve and Alex's origin story, breaking in Kurt Angle, the birth of the Mofo, being forgotten on an island, pitching "The Murderer" gimmick, squashing Randy Orton, and how he started a riot in a soccer stadium!

Plus, this Promo About Nothing deserves an Oscar and we trade one Brian for another!

Promo About Nothing:

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