We've got Santana Diamonds on this week's show - with his entourage of Corey Futuristic and Daniel Hooven. They are hosted by our WMS regulars, Mad Mike, Bobby F J-Town, and Sorg for Wrestling Mayhem Show 558. Of course, we talked what's happening in the world of wrestling this week, including Sunday's WWE Elimination Chamber!
Happy Valentine's Day. (VD has a totally new meaning this week.)
Daniel Hooven is looking dapper after spending time with Big League John McChesney.
We watched Elimination Chamber this weekend and are sharing our thoughts.
Bray Wyatt is the champion!
Our crew is split on thoughts about the Elimination Chamber redesign.
Three womens matches on a WWE PPV.
Tag team wrestling on Smackdown makes us happy.
Corey Futuristic is sharing thoughts on the Usos gimmick change.
We got Emmalina this week! But, did we really?
Since it's Valentine's Day, we're talking about how the guys pick up the ladies.
Is Joe Dombrowski listening? We have some Virgil stories!
By Virgil standards, Mad Mike is a legit member of the wrestling family.
Santana Diamonds is sharing some stories from the IWC Meadville show.
Mad Mike had dinner with Tatanka back in the day.
Guys...We have a voicemail! (We love listener mail.)
We appreciate drunk dials to our WMS hotline.
How many wrestlers can you fit in a podcast studio? We may be pushing our limits in Mayhem Studios tonight.
It's time for the Big Question! What couples do you wish you saw in wrestling?
It's that magical time where Matt leads our storytime booking for Mayhem Mania.
Jaxon Argos' Mayhem Mania match has lasted unscathed since his appearance at the start. He's back to reap rewards.
What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Corey Futuristic is giving the fans a chance to help him develop his tag team finisher.
Follow our stable on Twitter: Santana Diamonds (@TheDiam0ndLife), Corey Futuristic (@FuturisticCorey), Daniel Hooven (@DanielHooven), Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), Bobby F J-Town (@BobbyFJtown), and Matt (@MainstreamMat)
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice)and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow!
Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!
Remember to LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook for updates and video!

We've got Santana Diamonds on this week's show - with his entourage of Corey Futuristic and Daniel Hooven. They are hosted by our WMS regulars, Mad Mike, Bobby F J-Town, and Sorg for Wrestling Mayhem Show 558. Of course, we talked what's happening in the world of wrestling this week, including Sunday's WWE Elimination Chamber!

Happy Valentine's Day. (VD has a totally new meaning this week.)

Daniel Hooven is looking dapper after spending time with Big League John McChesney.

We watched Elimination Chamber this weekend and are sharing our thoughts.

Bray Wyatt is the champion!

Our crew is split on thoughts about the Elimination Chamber redesign.

Three womens matches on a WWE PPV.

Tag team wrestling on Smackdown makes us happy.

Corey Futuristic is sharing thoughts on the Usos gimmick change.

We got Emmalina this week! But, did we really?

Since it's Valentine's Day, we're talking about how the guys pick up the ladies.

Is Joe Dombrowski listening? We have some Virgil stories!

By Virgil standards, Mad Mike is a legit member of the wrestling family.

Santana Diamonds is sharing some stories from the IWC Meadville show.

Mad Mike had dinner with Tatanka back in the day.

Guys...We have a voicemail! (We love listener mail.)

We appreciate drunk dials to our WMS hotline.

How many wrestlers can you fit in a podcast studio? We may be pushing our limits in Mayhem Studios tonight.

It's time for the Big Question! What couples do you wish you saw in wrestling?

It's that magical time where Matt leads our storytime booking for Mayhem Mania.

Jaxon Argos' Mayhem Mania match has lasted unscathed since his appearance at the start. He's back to reap rewards.

What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?

Corey Futuristic is giving the fans a chance to help him develop his tag team finisher.

Follow our stable on Twitter: Santana Diamonds (@TheDiam0ndLife), Corey Futuristic (@FuturisticCorey), Daniel Hooven (@DanielHooven), Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), Bobby F J-Town (@BobbyFJtown), and Matt (@MainstreamMat)

If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice)and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow!

Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!

Remember to LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook for updates and video!