TNA Slammiversary-College Park Center on the Campus of University of Texas-Arlington-Arlington,TX
Crowd looks good tonight, looks like several thousand.
1Ladder Match for the TNA X Division Title
Manik vs. Tigre Uno vs. Crazzy Steve vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Davey Richards vs. Sanada-Crazzy Steve comes out on a trikey. Manik makes an appearance. Tigre suicide dives to all his opponents. Wolves kick and release suplex to ladder laid on the corner. Steve gets close to the belt but Senada knocks him off ladder. Steve is over with the crowd. Senada moonsault onto Steve lying on ladder in the ring. This is Awesome chants. Wolves double team as Richards with back cracker to Tigre. Wolves both climb ladder and fight on top. Richards and Manik on top. Powerbomb by Manik to Richards onto ladder bridge by ropes and another ladder Steve. Senada climbs and retains. Great match, good starter.
Announcement made that King/Aries and Lashley/Joe matches are now qualifying matches for Steel Cage TNA Title Match to replace MVP.
Home hears about it and crowd hears about it.
2--Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley-Qualifying Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title- Joe is over with the crowd big. Joe gets early offense then Lashley takes over. Elbow and snap suplex for 2 counts.  Lashley whip joe into referee,Joe stops, but gets speared by Lashley to advance.
3-Willow (with the monster Abyss) vs. Magnus (with Bram)-couldn’t he be Jeff Hardy again. Magnus plays up his new found aggression, picks up Bram and Abyss fight outside, and Magnus helps. Willow does Nestea plunge to both. Bram brings out turnbuckle iron. Abyss pulls out Janice. Magnus pins Willow. Feud keeps going?
Angle comes out and announces Team3D will be inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame at Bound for Glory. Great choice!
4-Austin Aries vs. Kenny King-Qualifying Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title-Tenay takes a lot of time calling back their ROH days and the Destination X story where Aries beat King and gained option C. Aries in control. King comes back, put feet on ropes for pin and gets caught. Last chancery by Aries. Aries advances with Brainbuster superplex for the win.
5-Marshall and Ross Von Erich vs. BroMans (Jessie and DJ Z)- Kevin comes out with his sons. Father’s Day played up.  21-year-old Marshall wrestles barefoot like Kevin did. Ross is 26. Z splashes to Ross. Hot tag to Marshall. Ross missile drop kicks Z and Jessie. Marshall standing moonsault to Z. Jessie uses chair for DQ. Kevin runs in knocks out Jessie and applies the claw to Z.
6-TNA Knockouts Title Match
Gail Kim vs. Angelina Love-Stiffler distracted as Love gets Botox injection to Kim for two.Earl Hebner sends out Velvet, and takes over officiating. Dusty finish with Hebner knocked out. Kim gets two pins uncounted, while Stiffler tends to Hebner. Angelina reverses then Stiffler comes in and counts the pin and Angelina retains.
7-Texas Death Match
Bully Ray vs. Ethan Carter III- Bully Ray brings out tables and ECW chants start. Bully brings out three tables side by side outside the ring and table in the corner. Chair shots by EC3. EC3 gets hit back with chair. Kitchen grater to chest of EC3. EC3 gets back the edge. Superplex by Bully Ray. Ray pulls the apron open to expose wood. Spud comes in with Kendo stick and gets taken out. EC3 drives Bully into the wood. Bubba cutter onto the glass. EC3 laid onto tables outside. Dixie comes out to distract. EC3 accidentally lays out Dixie. Dixie laid on tables. Spud rescues Dixie, EC3 kendos Bully thru tables. Bully unable to make 10-count. Crazy booking but EC3 winning was right move. Feud should continue.
8-Mr. Anderson vs. James Storm- Storm pours beer on a Dallas Cowboy helmet like a piss. Brawl outside the ring. Anderson Roll with Storm on shoulders from top for 2 count. Storm spits beer at Cowboy players sitting at ringside. George Selvies distracts Storm. Anderson mic checks for pin. Cowboys celebrate Anderson in the ring.
9-Bobby Lashley vs. Austin Aries vs. Eric Young-Steel Cage Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title- Must win by pinfall or submission. Aries and Young double team Lashley. Lashley throws both into the cage. EY missile dropkick to Lashley for two count. Lashley suplexes Aries into the cage. Death Valley Driver with Lashley and Aries both on EYs shoulders. Two count no.
Hurricanrana by Aries, elbow off top of cage by EY . Aries counters. Brainbuster 1-2-no. Spear to Aries 1-2 no. Lashley spears out of the cage gate. Another EY top rope Elbow 1-2 no.Trading blows. Aries hits another and the running dropkick in the corner. EY blocks a Brainbuster and hits a piledriver out of nowhere for the win.

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