Seth Rollins Blacks Out Shield; TNA Talent Takes Tumble Before Title Match
6 tables covered with garbage bags...big budget stuff
Money, Power Respect working with Dixie’s crew…...ugh
Gunner, Sam Shaw and Mr. Anderson military triangle
Beautiful People, one of the only polished gimmicks in TNA. Who else?
We have a lesbian angle Brittany and Madison Rayne, Throwback Thursday . Lets redo Mickie James and Trish.
TNA adds 3 more tv tapings in NYC 8/5-7.
EY vs. Bully, Kenny King kinda funny as guest ring announcer. But they did totally steal from WWE with a guest timekeeper and enforcer or did they.
NXT Takeover
1-Adam Rose vs. Camacho-Erotic Express started from outside all the way to the arena, quick match, party foul to win
2-WWE NXT Tag Team Title Match: The Ascension vs. Kalisto and El Local, Ascension had most of the offense crowd dueling chants. Fall of Man to retain.
3-#1 Contender's Match for NXT Championship: Tyler Breeze vs. Sami Zayn. New entrance themes for both. Tyler sings in his. Crowd super hot, lots of back and forth. Breeze works on Sami’s head still reeling from concussion. two counts with Zayn on a high cross body. Breeze superkicks for awesome 2 count. Zayn with suicide dive. Match ends with Zayn trying for a kick in the corner. Breeze with a low blow, beauty shot for pin. These guys worked great together.
Rusev called the Iron Fist of Russia. Rawley says take that flag and put it right up your Putin, only to get locked into the Accolade.
4-Vacated NXT Women's Title Match: Charlotte vs. Natalya-LMS Paige in skinny jeans to wish well. Charlotte comes out to an EDM version of 2001. Match starts with a lot of mat wrestling. Figure 4 Headlock by Charlotte. Missed moonsault by Charlotte. Natalya clothesline for 2. Sharpshooter. Charlotte counters with daddy’s Figure 4 leg lock with great selling by Natalya and lots of taunting by Charlotte. Ref breaks the hold only after Natalya is about to get Charlotte outside the ring hanging out. Natalyas knee thrown into steel steps. Sharpshooter by Charlotte in front of Bret. Charlotte wins with her finisher Bow Down to the Queen to become NXT Women’s champion. Best womens match this year. Ric is in tears. Great announcing in this match. Regal was at his best here with the suspense.
5-WWE NXT Title Match: Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd- Both guys going move for move, standoff, jaw jacking and  a hard shot by Kidd. Each get upperhand. Tyson tries powerbomb from corner and Adrien flips out, then does his own powerbomb for two. Side Russian leg sweep from second rope.  Sharpshooter then Dungeon Lock by Tyson. Neville breaks free. Neville gets second wind with hurricanrana then red arrow for the pin to retain.
Batista bye
M-V-Sandow, Stephenson jersey blowing at Big Show, NBA Playoffs ….Ha, current!
Stephanie announces Kane vs. Bryan in a stretcher match at MITB. Cena finally has someone that gets more heat than him.
Alicia Fox #winning LMS
Absent Bray Wyatt and an empty chair. That’s ok, leave it to Luke Harper to hang in the promo dept.
USOs vs Wyatts, I know the belts aren’t up for grabs, but don’t give away the PPV match.
Seth Rollins splits from the Shield, it’s like they purposely made the last part of Raw boring to shock us good.


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