TNA Lockdown 2014: Two Lethally Lame Main Event Finishes
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1.The Great Muta, Sanada and Nakanoue (called Yusa) (representing Wrestle-1) vs.
Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels and Kazarian) and Chris Sabin (representing TNA)-Six-man interpromotional tag team steel cage match. Sanada recognized as X division champion. Big pop for Muta and we want Muta chants Dropkick from three sides by BI and saban. Muta multiple dragon screw leg whips. Mist in Kaz. Shining wizard by Muta. Moonsault to Daniels by Senada for the pin.
Spud and Dixie, looking great,  come out, couple of shots on Lebron and the Canes fans.
Touts she has an insurance policy to not lose control. Hardy is suspended and security will make sure he can't make the main event.
2.Mr. Anderson vs. Samuel Shaw- JB announcing.  Shaw comes down pissed. Says Christy isn't being professional. Gets ready to jump off cage and end it all. Creep bastard chants. Anderson comes out. Christy comes to ringside as match starts. CM Punk chants.  Anderson on offense, Shaw counters. Big back suplex off the cage by Anderson. Shaw gets up sees Christy. Shaw tries to escape but Anderson collides into Shaw, the door and the ref.  Double Mic checks. Anderson climbs out.  Christy is near the cage. Ref still out cold. Shaw grabs Christy and pulls her into cage. Anderson drops and Anderson socks him. Anderson walks Christy out, low blow puts on triangle choke and Shaw wins. Good job Christy on the screaming bit.
3.Kurt Angle vs. Ethan Carter III-trouble signs along the front row. Angle knee surgery keeps him out, so Carter issues an open challenge. Bobby Lashley comes out to a good pop and class out EC3
4.Tigre Uno vs Manik. Fast pace.  Spider-Man move then drop by Manik as Uno hits the cage. Surfboard. High cradle back suplex. Sabretooth splash for the the pin by uno. Backwards somersault 450.
5.Gunner vs. James Storm
Contested under Last Man Standing rules. Brawl before the bell rings. Storm in long tights now. Storm takes turnbuckle ropes to choke Gunner. Hulk up and gunner uses top of steel steps. Storm throws Gunner into wedged chair in the corner. 9 count. This is awesome chants. Gunner hit with chair to face as he jumps off top rope. Top rope superplex through two chairs side by side. Gunner remains standing.
6.Madison Rayne (c) vs. Gail Kim
TNA Knockouts Championship- Madison on offense. Neck breaker off ropes by Kim. Top rope spear to Kim for the pin.
7.Magnus (c) vs. Samoa Joe
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Can only be won by submission or knockout. Magnus slammed into the cage and we get color. Figure 4 on Joe reversed. Camel clutch, arm bar, rear naked choke. Joe is caught and dragged by a hand coming out of the ring. Joe pulled in.  Abyss comes out and uses Janice and then black hole slams Joe. Magnus puts on Joes kokina clutch to win. Abyss goes pure heel.
8.Team MVP - MVP (captain), Jeff Hardy and The Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards) vs.
Team Dixie - Bobby Roode (captain), Austin Aries and The BroMans (Robbie E and Jessie Godderz)
Eight-man Lethal Lockdown match
The leader of the winning team receives complete control of TNA wrestling operations.
If Team Dixie wins, Roode becomes 10% owner of TNA
MVP and Aries start. Robbie E and Eddie Edwards follow. Jessie and Richards  then Roode after. Then no Jeff Hardy but we get Willow who jumps on the heels from the top of the cage.
Then Dixie brings out a special guest ref. Bully Ray. Cage goes down. Ray brings in a table and closes the door. Heels dominate with weapons.  Crossface by Roode to Richards. MVP clears things up. Wolves van terminate Roode with a trash can.  Aries with Brain buster through the chair to Richards. Aries misses 450 into trash can. Willow with whisper and swanton. Bully interrupts Roode bomb.  Ray drops him.  MVP gets help from Bully so MVPs team wins.

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