KOP goes into how social media is bad for professional wrestling fans and the delusion over their tribalism of WWE or AEW.
Social media has undoubtedly transformed the way fans engage with professional wrestling, providing a platform for enthusiasts to express their opinions, connect with like-minded individuals, and participate in discussions about their favorite promotions. However, this digital landscape has also given rise to a toxic underbelly of tribalism, particularly within the fan bases of major wrestling promotions like WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) and AEW (All Elite Wrestling). The intense rivalry between these two organizations has fueled a divisive atmosphere on social media, where fans often find themselves entrenched in bitter disputes over which promotion is superior.
One detrimental aspect of social media in the context of professional wrestling is the amplification of tribalistic behavior. Fans become so deeply invested in supporting their chosen promotion that they often succumb to a sense of delusion, rejecting any constructive criticism or acknowledging the merits of the rival organization. This tribal mentality can lead to a closed-minded approach, hindering the ability to appreciate the diverse and evolving nature of the wrestling industry. Instead of fostering a healthy and inclusive community, social media platforms often serve as battlegrounds where fans vehemently defend their allegiance, perpetuating an "us versus them" mentality.
Moreover, the immediacy and accessibility of social media can exacerbate the impact of rumors, speculation, and misinformation within the wrestling community. Fans may be quick to jump to conclusions or form biased opinions based on incomplete or inaccurate information, further fueling the flames of tribalism. This not only creates a breeding ground for negativity but also undermines the potential for constructive dialogue and shared appreciation of the art form.
In conclusion, while social media has undoubtedly enhanced the connectivity and engagement of professional wrestling fans, it has also fostered an environment that encourages tribalism and delusion. The rivalry between WWE and AEW, fueled by passionate fanbases, often overshadows the appreciation of the broader wrestling landscape. To truly elevate the wrestling community, fans must strive for a more open-minded and inclusive approach, valuing the diversity of promotions and recognizing that there is room for enjoyment of multiple facets of the industry.
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