WrestlingNews.co reports AEW World Heavyweight Champion MJF retains over Bryan Danielson in a 60-minute iron man match (plus Sudden Death) headlined AEW Revolution. KOP runs down the card.
AEW Revolution 2023
1-Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks-Ricky with another win on Jericho. Ricky looked strong and is getting groomed for all Atlantic or TNT title run.
2-No Holds Barred: Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy Jack Perry-Faces are super over. Jungle boy finishes the feud.
3-AEW World Trios Championship
The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) vs. House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews)-new entrance for HOB. Great match and the crowd was electric. Best showing and presentation for House of Black since they came into AEW.

4-AEW Women's World Championship : Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Saraya vs. Ruby Soho- Plunder from Baker and Storm back and forth leading to Hayter pulling out the victory and Ruby Soho turned heel to join
5-Texas Deathmatch: Jon Moxley vs. 'Hangman' Adam Page-grueling and bloody. They definitely try to up the ante in this match given the start of this feud. They tried whatever they could to bring this to that upper extreme level. Stepped it up with two bricks wedged to basically break Adam Page's left hand. And a pile driver into a big thick chain. Moxley went full on CZW for this match.
Page wins the feud for the buckshot lariat and a choke with the big chain to take out Moxley. New interest music for page made a hint on the winner.
6-TNT Championship Match : Samoa Joe (c) vs. Wardlow- shortest match of the night. Warlow dominant reversals finishing moves and the recommended choked by wardlow finishes up and gets back the TNT title.
7-AEW World Tag Team Championship Match
The Gunns (Austin & Colten Gunn) (c) vs. The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) vs. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal vs. Orange Cassidy & Danhausen-Gunns win in a very wild busy match. FTR approach post match.

8-AEW World Championship One Hour Iron Man Match : MJF (c) vs. Bryan Danielson-amazed by the pace that they were able to keep up the first 30 minutes. MJF with some great work of the crowd with the water on the kid and the fake tossing of Bryan into the crowd. Took a while to get that first fall but then MJF had a little blow and two pinfalls back to back to tie it up 2-2. MJF with another impressive performance on ppv going ahead three two and 45 minutes in and in control of Danielson. Last 15 minutes we're on the mat with submissions back and forth tied at three after a labell lock Red attention to big moves where both hit each other only to aggravate injuries. Then there were 10 minutes of sudden death more submissions until the oxygen tank to give MJF the last bit of leverage he needed to put on the labelle lock and retain the title.
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