The world of professional wrestling is buzzing with excitement over the news that All Elite Wrestling (AEW) is set to announce a new TV rights deal with Warner Bros. Discovery. Although the financial details of the deal and its duration are yet to be revealed, rumors suggest that it may be a five-year exclusive agreement worth over $1 billion. If true, this would position AEW alongside major sports commodities such as the NFL, NBA, and MLB.
The deal grants Warner Bros. Discovery exclusive rights to air AEW programming, which means that fans will no longer be able to watch Dark and Dark: Elevation on YouTube. It's an exciting time for AEW, as this new deal will give them a much larger platform to showcase their talent and reach a wider audience. The fact that they are able to secure such a lucrative deal is a testament to their continued success and growing popularity among fans.
KOP discusses the upcoming official announcement at the upfront event in New York, where AEW and Warner Bros. Discovery will reveal more details about this groundbreaking deal.
New AEW-WBD TV Deal To Be Announced Next Wednesday
AEW Has ‘Major Plans’ and a ‘Marquee’ Match Tentatively Scheduled for Collision, Major Program for CM Punk
AEW’s Plans for Rampage Will Resemble an Old WWE Program
Warner Bros. Discovery Bets That ‘Inside the NBA’ Can Give It an Edge in Unusual Upfront
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