Graham "GSM" Matthews is joined by the only other pro wrestling fans on campus (or at least that he knows of) RJ Marceau and Jeff Stone to talk about the latest developments in the world of wrestling on the latest WrestleRant Radio! They kick off the show talking about Daniel Bryan's matches against Triple H and for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 30 before talking about other happenings on the card including Batista's heel turn, CM Punk's status and if he'll return to WWE, the newly announced 30-man Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, when we should expect The Shield to officially split and which of the three will be worth looking out for.

Other topics discussed on the show include Jack Swagger and Cesaro and if they will clash at 'Mania (and which of them is going face), what happens with Zeb Colter, if a Divas Championship match will be held at The Show of Shows and if AJ Lee should defend against, the current status of the mid-card championships and if they should be unified, who will be next to challenge The Usos for the WWE Tag Team Championships, John Cena's feud with Bray Wyatt and why Wyatt must go over, Brock Lesnar challenging The Undertaker's streak at WrestleMania 30 and if the streak will ever end, Sting potentially coming to WWE, who will be next to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, quick thoughts on the WWE Network, and much more!