Back for 2019 its DK and the Commish has returned has you guessed it! Al the producer! We take some time at the beginning and chat about the All Elite Wrestling press conference and their recent announcements.
Next its time for our first indy spotlight of the year. Her name is Kaos. She is the valet of former guest and FTW heavyweight champion Rage. But she has an interesting story of her own. One month ago, at the age of 21 she had not one but two open heart surgeries. When you here the story we hope you are as inspired as we are.
We talk about how she got started, her character, wrestlers she admires and her aspirations in the business. Kaos is also an animal lover. Wait until you here about all her pets. All in all this is a refreshing, exciting and fun interview with one of our favorite up and coming indy stars,
After the interview we quickly talk some Impact from their latest pay per view, a little WWE and of course more AEW.
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