With many of us working from home were joining the collective of in-home workers that have been doing this for years. Join us as we discuss this new reality.

A dedicated place to work in your home Buy headphones, get good ones Play a great playlist Stay focused Take breaks Use a Pomodoro timer Jason Cosper recommends Tomighty Go outside and see the sun Switch it up every once in a while and try a new Have a drawer to put your laptop in or in a backpack Don’t eat lunch at your desk Respect your own time Have multiple email apps, a work email app, and a personal email app. Don’t have a work slack on your phone. Time blocks



The Year Without Pants A Movement to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic|#StayTheFuckHome Here are some happy websites to go to if you’re sick of reading articles about coronavirus Don’t Go Down a Coronavirus Anxiety Spiral Remote Work:8 (ish) Weeks In


Tips from Steve

Regularly check-in Communicating regularly If you finish early didn’t just end your day. If you are blocked, ask what you should do.


Tools for communicating

Slack realtime communication Zoom


Communication Tips

Morning meeting on Zoom, BS at first part have social interactions (5-10 mins) Done-Done meeting (What did you complete yesterday?) Dealing with blockers Teamwork – Prioritize tasks Basecamp Jira

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