Sara Cannon from Range was this week's guest on WP Late Night. We discussed WordCamps, the _s theme, and Shit WordPressers Say. I mean, more than usual.

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Sara Cannon from Range was this week’s guest on WP Late Night. We discussed WordCamps, the _s theme, and Shit WordPressers Say. I mean, more than usual.

This episode is brought to you by Event Espresso, the event registration plugin for WordPress. You can use the discount code “wpcandy” during checkout to save $25 on your purchase.

You can listen to the episode right here if you like:

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This episode’s show notes are just after the jump.

Episode #22 Show Notes

WordCamp Grand Rapids recap
WordCamp Baltimore coming up stats!
Update to the plugin directory
The launch of
Shit WordPressers Say
WordCamp Philly
Brad’s Halloween Store plugin
Drag and Drop Featured Image plugin
Preserve Editor Scroll Position plugin
WP Dropcaps plugin
Twenty Ten IE6 Menus plugin

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The post WP Late Night #22: “I brought kittens” with Sara Cannon appeared first on WPCandy.