Episode number eighteen of WP Late Night brought together the three main hosts once again for a discussion about upcoming WordCamps, bbPress.org, and of course a topic or two we talked about a few episodes ago.

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Episode number eighteen of WP Late Night brought together the three main hosts once again for a discussion about upcoming WordCamps, bbPress.org, and of course a topic or two we talked about a few episodes ago.

You can listen to the episode below, or of course subscribe to the show on iTunes to get every episode delivered right to you.

[audio http://wpcandy.s3.amazonaws.com/wplatenight/WP-Late-Night-018-My-names-Shelby-and-it-hurts-so-good.mp3|titles=WP Late Night #18 My names Shelby and it hurts so good]

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Episode 18 Show Notes

WordPress meetup in Philly, Brad’s security talk
Meetup in Fort Wayne, Ryan’s community talk
WordPress on Meetup.com
WordCamp San Francisco
bbPress.org redesign
There is not enough time in the day for me to tell you that forums are not dead
Internet Defense Leage launches and a plugin – via Matt
Dre’s Harley forum
Shelby’s Twitter image
Tower Git client
GitHub for Mac
Economic Impact of Open Source on Small Business: A Case Study via Matt
Daring Fireball: Regarding WordPress and Security and on high traffic
Ryan’s bar trick: Private Only
Dre’s bar trick: Bots vs. Browsers
Dre’s bar trick the second: Sucuri is Hiring!
Brad’s bar trick: User Switching
WordCamp Baltimore 2012

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