Happy New year and welcome to the first WP Hacker Cast of 2018. Hopefully you enjoyed Episode 7, even though it was just my rambling voice. Fear not though, as we are back to the regular format.

Before I introduce my next guest I’d like to take this opportunity to perform the obligatory request for feedback. If you like this, or any of the other WP Hacker Casts, please take a minute to either leave a rating or review on iTunes, comment on this podcast itself, or use the feedback form on the website to send my your comments.

Without any further ado, let’s get onto this week’s episode. For the last recording of 2017 I was joined by Deborah Butler, a front end developer who specializes in WordPress. We dig deep into various topics, ranging from how Deborah went from sales to development to teaching, up to and including her thoughts on being a gay woman in the tech space.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

Show Notes:

Friends of Design

Cape Town Front-end Developers

Freelance Cape Town

The Startum Project



Deb on Twitter

Twitter Mentions