Watch the video of this podcast here.

A Brief Intro to Jamie Hill
Jamie Hill considers himself a dad (to three kids, two dogs, and two cats) first and a business owner second. He and his wife partnered together six years ago to purchase and operate iNovate Marketing, a web design and marketing agency. While it’s seen lots of success in that time, it wasn’t allowing Jamie to focus on his top priority very well.

Before the Blueprint
Like the influencers he follows (Gary Vaynerchuk and Grant Cardone), Jamie was all about the grind before signing up for the Blueprint course. As you can imagine, 16 hours of work a day, 3 hours of sleep every night, and making time for the family in between can only lead to one thing:


When Jamie first encountered WP Elevation, he worried that his business wasn’t the target audience as many of the webinars seemed to be geared towards freelancers and small agencies. His company, on the other hand, was well-established, had 20 or so employees, and was quite profitable at the time. But something had to change.

After consulting with his wife, she wholeheartedly encouraged him to sign up for WP Elevation. Four years later, Jamie is now in a position where he’s able to slow down, step back from running the business, and take time to focus on his family… all while the company continues to be profitable.

100% Completion of the Blueprint
Upon joining the Blueprint course, Jamie realized how complex all of the processes in his company were.

Throughout the six-week program and with the help of the coaches, he was able to quickly implement about half of the material and bring major changes to the way his company was run. He then took time to complete the course and work with his team of designers to implement the changes that would drastically improve their workflows.

As he explains in the podcast, the self-pacing of Blueprint is one of the best parts of the program. It allows you to take what you need from it at the right time. And, once you realise how beneficial the processes, organisational tips, and tools are, you’ll save a ton of time and money while making your life exponentially easier.

A Valuable Lesson Learned
One of the most common WordPress consultant fears is:

“What will happen if I get sick or injured and I can’t work for some time?”

Jamie says that a Mastermind workshop led by Troy helped him through this particular situation a year-and-a-half ago when he became too ill to work. He stepped away from the business for three months and left it in the hands of his team who effectively managed it on their own.

Years ago, however, Jamie never would have been able to do this as he exerted tight control over his company and was too afraid to give his team the freedom to work on their own. As Troy explained, it’s important to let go and allow them to fail. If you can’t trust that they’ll pick themselves back up and fix their errors, how will they ever learn?

The Community
Jamie is one of our members who really thrives in the WP Elevation community. Not only is it a resource he trusts greatly and continues to learn from on a regular basis, but he actively seeks out opportunities to mentor freelancers trying to make big moves with their own businesses.

Jamie’s Favorite Tools
There are a number of tools from the program that have made a big impact on Jamie’s business.

The bonus content dripped out during the course was immensely helpful (and a welcome addition since he found himself impatiently waiting for the next modules to arrive). He’s a big fan of the web auditing system for his marketing work. His wife and design team have adopted Beaver Builder as their go-to WordPress tool (having previously relied on Genesis and Divi).

As Troy often explains, it’s best to hire people who are smarter than you, rather than waste your time trying to learn something you’re not very good at. As such, Jamie has recently hired someone to manage the day-to-day of iNovate MarketingMarketing for him. It’s saved him money, time, and unnecessary headaches while enabling the company to provide better quality work to clients.

With this free time, he aims to launch a white label process for small agency partners who need help delivering on marketing and SEO services to clients.

We always love seeing what sort of passion projects the Blueprint has enabled our members to get involved in. This one, in particular, is very exciting as it will help many others in the WordPress community do better work and make more money in the process!

P.S. We've created a 10% discount code for the listeners of the WPE podcast. Simply add the code GOELEVATE upon payment of the Blueprint course. The deal is valid until the 21st September 2018.

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