Learn what 12 WordPress geeks would never buy online, their biggest frustration when shopping online and their preference between physical books and ebooks.

This last weekend I attended WordCamp Portland. If you are not familiar with WordCamps, they are local WordPress conferences that you will encounter around the globe. I took advantage of this geeky audience and found 12 people who were willing to answer three questions about their online shopping habits.

The questions were:

What would you never buy online?What frustrates you most when purchasing online?Do you prefer physical books or ebooks, and why?

This was a blast to do. As you can expect, the answers were interesting and varied. You may think it’s a bit strange to ask a bunch of geeks about online shopping, but I can tell you that you might be surprised by some of the answers.  I found out that not all geeks buy everything online, that you will likely share the same frustrations as they do and, surprisingly, that all of our lives do not revolve around all things digital.